Frequency of Social Media Posts

With the constant change of the  social media algorithms , do y'all know how often you should be posting to social media? Yous may recall there'south a ane-size-fits-all approach when information technology comes to your channels, but that but isn't truthful. You lot've seen an article hither or there nearly optimal posting times and frequency for social media, but may have constitute the content hard to follow and somewhat confusing. So, we've done our research, gathered a comprehensive list, and we're here to provide you with the only article you need to stay up-to-date with the optimal posting times and frequency for all social media channels in 2021.


Facebook "like" symbol on a yellow background

Best times: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 09:00-13:00

Why: Opposite to popular belief, Facebook is still the platform with the most users worldwide. There are 2.89 billion monthly users which mean there will e'er be someone online. Taking these stats into consideration, the fight for your audience's attending is intense. So, you should be posting your content when people have the biggest gaps in their schedules.

The average visibility of a post on Facebook is around 5-6 hours. Since video content is currently incredibly sought-later, be certain to include it in your social media strategy. Video gets the highest organic achieve and date, which has a positive effect on the longevity of your posts.

Channel frequency: 1 – two posts a day.

Optimal number of hashtags per post: iii-5 hashtags per mail service is optimal for Facebook. Different its counterpart Instagram, your focus should exist on your copy, which shouldn't be drowned out by too many hashtags.


Two women holding an Instagram cut out standing against a bright wall

All-time times: Monday – Friday 11:00-14:00 and 18:00-21:00

Why: Instagram is ane of the most visual social network platforms. That is why people are virtually likely to exist scrolling on their feed during dejeuner breaks or after hours to grab up on anything they accept missed during work hours. With Instagram'southward Insights characteristic, information technology's like shooting fish in a barrel to run into when your users are online to give y'all a articulate indication of when you lot should be posting your content to get the best results.

The surreptitious to staying in front of your audience on this social platform is to mail consistently, and to stay up-to-engagement with any of its new features if you desire your content to exist seen.

Channel frequency: 1-two feed posts per mean solar day and daily Stories

Optimal number of hashtags per post: Although the maximum number of hashtags is 30, nosotros recommend using 3-15 relevant ones to avert your content coming across as spammy.


A person downloading LinkedIn on their smartphone

Best times: Tuesday-Thursday 07:00-11:00

Why: LinkedIn is a professional platform that is used by industry experts, thought leaders, B2B marketers and recruiters. Posting outside of these times will leverage little to no engagement.

Channel frequency: One time a 24-hour interval during the week.

Optimal number of hashtags per post: 3-5 per mail and add 3 relevant ones to your company'due south profile.


A young blonde girl holding a "tweet" sign against a orange background

Best times: Weekdays 07:00-09:00 for your starting time Tweet. Tuesdays-Thursdays are the all-time days.

Why: Twitter is predominately a resource for up-to-the-infinitesimal news and a source of information for the audience. The first thing Twitter users practise when they wake up is turn to their phones to get updated before their day begins. So, make sure your Tweets are first on their feed.

Channel frequency: The boilerplate visibility of a Tweet is 20 minutes, so there is a small window to capture the audience's attention. With 500 million Tweets going out every 24-hour interval, posting 3-5 times a day is optimal if yous want to compete for your content to be seen.

Optimal number of hashtags per postal service: 2 relevant hashtags per Tweet. This helps keep the message short and sweet. If you lot're unsure of which hashtags to employ for your content, type them into the post toolbar and meet how easily discoverable or trending they are.


The TikTok logo on a pink background

Best times: Monday – Friday 06:00-09:00, 11:00-14:00 and 18:00-21:00

Why: Since the start of the Covid-xix pandemic people are staying at home at present more than ever. That means they are forced to use culling ways of entertainment, which has skyrocketed TikTok's popularity.

TikTok is much like Instagram in terms of optimal posting times as the platforms accept similar functionality, and the fact that more than users are consuming content through their mobile devices than always before. Posting before piece of work, during dejeuner breaks and after-hours is the best mode to become your content in front end of your audience.

The best part about TikTok is that the content has no lifespan and older videos tin go viral at the drop of a hat.

Here are some tips on how to make your content go viral:

  • Use trending songs. You can search for these songs in playlists on Spotify and apps alike.
  • Continue videos short.
  • Add value to your audience by creating videos that involve tips, tricks, hacks and how-to guides. This makes your content more share-worthy.
  • Use trending furnishings and filters.

Channel frequency: iii times a day.

Optimal number of hashtags per post: 5 hashtags is optimal for TikTok. These should be made up of a combination of trending and niche hashtags, which tin can be found in the Discovery tab on the platform.


a woman filming herself for her YouTube channel

All-time times: Weekdays 14:00-xvi:00 and weekends 09:00-11:00

Why: Unlike TikTok, YouTube is a platform that people go to to exist entertained for longer periods. Near users volition consume this type of content outside of work hours and on the weekends when they have more time. Posting your content during these suggested times will permit YouTube to feed the audience when they are more active on the platform.

Channel frequency: A minimum of once a calendar week.

Optimal number of hashtags per post: 5-xv hashtags should be used in either the description or title of your video. This will help your content be discovered on the results page, giving your video a better chance of being featured equally suggested content when searched by the audience. Never utilize more than 15 hashtags. The platform will flag your content as spam and your account stands the chance of beingness blocked or suspended.


A person using Pinterest on their laptop and smartphone

Best times: Weekdays 18:00-22:00 and weekends 12:00-14:00

Why: Pinterest is a platform that people use to find a release and to get inspired. That is why your content should be posted outside of work hours when people are relaxing and doing some bedtime browsing.

Aqueduct frequency: 5 times a mean solar day

Optimal number of hashtags per postal service: v-7 articulate, concise, relevant hashtags should be used in the Pins description. This helps the user find your content when they are searching for something similar on the platform.

Google My Business

A search bar on a yellow background

All-time times: Mon – Friday 09:00-11:00 and 19:00-21:00

Why: Google My Business organisation is dissimilar to other platforms as it is used when the audience already has intent. They are likely searching for something specific, which makes posting time not as important compared to the other platforms.

Aqueduct frequency: Once a week.

Optimal number of hashtags per post: 0. Yes, you lot read right. Google My Business is one of the few platforms that require no hashtags for your content to be constitute. Instead, include keywords in your re-create and epitome alt text.

Remember this is just a guide and there is no real rule of thumb when it comes to optimal posting times and frequency on social media. Posting content when your users are online is the easier style to improve your organic accomplish. You lot should consider the kind of content you are producing and when information technology makes sense to schedule it.

Don't forget to continuously wait at your analytics, read your insights and engaging with your audience to guarantee higher engagement and follower growth. If you're unsure how to do and then, consider outsourcing a  social media manager to practice it for you.

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